  • Tiếng Việt
0 + Students

We are learning in group of 4-8 members to discuss openly, respect and value each person.

Helen Nguyen's Calendar
0 + Meeting

You can talk to Coach Helen Nguyen at your convenient time.

Facilitator and Coach
0 + Persons

We are international certified facilitators and coaches at BNJ Vietnam.

Community Program
0 + Organization

We add values to community in "Grow with the books" program.

Corporate Training

Maxwell Leadership Program
Helen Nguyen, MLCM 60 hours 10 Students

Hello Points Workshop
Helen Nguyen, Expert 6 Hours 25 Student
Youth Leadership

Teens Lead Teens
Helen Nguyen 108 Hrs or 12 months 20 Students
Book Helen Calendar
Community Development

iLead Leadership Development Program


Do not miss the opportunity!!